Rahul Mukherjee

Rahul Mukherjee, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania

Rahul Mukherjee is Associate Professor of TV and New Media in the Department of Cinema & Media Studies at University of Pennsylvania and Graduate Chair of the program. His research focuses on the logistical and environmental dimensions of digital infrastructures and platforms. Rahul is the author of Radiant Infrastructures: Media, Environment, and Cultures of Uncertainty (DUP, 2020). He is presently completing his second book Unlimited: Aspirational Politics and Mobile Media Distribution (to be published with MIT Press, Fall 2025). His essays have been published in Critical Inquiry, Science, Technology & Human Values, and Journal of Visual Culture. He has co-edited journal special issues regarding platformization of everyday life in India (Asiascape: Digital Asia) and superapps and megacorps (Media, Culture & Society). Rahul is currently working on two projects: the use of "alternative data" in fintech (loan app decision-making) and discourses around IoT-based agriculture monitoring systems.